Lost in Thought

By steveng

Completed Print

Now as the artist wanted it to look :-)

This is the lino cut print I blipped earlier but now with the final colour added and with more care going into the colour correction and contrast - so this is how Gill wants it to look!  

It is a reduction print, so as each colour is printed, more of the original lino is cut away and no more prints can be made.  A good scan or photograph can be used to make more, but of course, they just replicate one of the originals.  Differences in alignment, how the lino was inked, and the printing pressure mean each of the original prints does have a degree of uniqueness about it. (if that makes sense!)

The village art group autumn exhibition is next weekend so Gill is organising what she wants to display and getting anything which will be framed photographed before it goes under any glass.

In the extra, one of a garden woodpecker.

For anyone keen - I have used a Spyder Colour Checker 24 to get the colour balance as close as I can - and then the levels adjustment in PS to get the black and white points about right.  Lino cuts do usually have definite black and white areas so they are easier to get right than say an Eco-Printed piece where there is much less contrast to go on.
Well - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it :-)

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