Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

On Golden Perch...

The fall foliage is getting into full swing now, giving me some gorgeous backgrounds to shoot against.  So while this little female house finch is a rather drab bird, she looks kind of special against the golden background.  Which is a good thing because I really didn't take many pictures today!

I had a very nice, long FT chat with my parents this morning who are dealing with a bunch of doctor's appointments and lab tests, etc.  Mostly routine but always a big inconvenience.  

The rest of the day was spent whittling down my images from yesterday.  I finally got it down to 233 images which seems a lot until you realize that there were six dogs and three different activities.  I definitely need to find the best work-arounds for the black dogs since I will be shooting them at the absolute worst time of day next week - from 10 to 2.  I am going to actively hope for a cloud cover but I need to prepare for full sun.  So if anyone has some suggestions for metering or exposure to help bring out the details of black dogs, bring 'em on, please!  

When I posted yesterday's image, I was so tired that I didn't even realize I'd posted a shot of a German Shepard while saying it was a doberman (which it clearly wasn't!  So, for fun, I will put a pic of the un-altered female dobie in Extra today.  And that is her owner with her, the woman who is my main contact for this event.  I'm getting ready to send her a link for the pics very shortly.  

Hubs finished painting the race car today and now just has to order and place all the required racing decals.  Big job that is now done.  He also finished stacking our 3 cords of firewood.  I was no help at all!

I have some sore muscles today, mostly quads and glutes from all the crouching, up and down.  Even though I am religious about doing deep squats almost every day, that was still a LOT yesterday!  Next time, I will take a preemptive ibuprofen before I start shooting.  

One more brownie left for each of us.


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