Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

End of Season...

About a month ago I spotted several pairs of Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetles engaged in reproductive shenanigans (or in cop as my more sophisticated entomology friends would say).  Their reproductive cycle involves larval forms that feed on the milkweed leaves before dropping off and burrowing into the ground to pupate, emerging several weeks later as handsome black and orange beetles, as seen here.  These guys will also reproduce and, if I am not mistaken, the eggs/larva will stay underground until spring.  Anyway, I got a bonus in this shot because the milkweed is covered in Oleander Aphids now, those little yellow things.  They are in no danger from the beetle as it only eats plant material (other than some extreme cases of sibling cannibalism... but I digress.)

Now, I should mention that the 12-15 "oopsie" monarch cats are also trying to survive in this rather poor patch of milkweed.  They won't survive, sadly, but there isn't anything I can do about that.  The aphids will also die off soon, but not before they leave eggs that will overwinter in the leaf litter and soil below the milkweed.  Usually by this time of year, the aphids are thick on the remaining milkweed.  The only way to get rid of them is to squish them with one's fingers (or use soaps or chemicals which also kills everything else).  So, I let them be for the most part.  Interesting fact about these aphids is that the females are capable of reproducing without males.  

I heard back from my main contact for the shutzhund event and she was thrilled with the photos.  She said she couldn't believe it was my first time photographing a dog event.  I asked her for specific feedback in terms of shots I may have missed that the trainers would want, so she gave me a couple of suggestions that I can incorporate on Saturday.  Meanwhile, I spent some time today reading up on the sport so that I can better anticipate where I need to position myself at each stage of the trial.  Although it is quite a bit of physical work, it really was so much fun shooting the practice sessions on Saturday.  

I had a quick appointment with my ENT this morning.  Totally routine and I enjoyed having a chat with him after the business part of the appointment was over.  He is the doctor who first suspected that I had a brain tumor and sent me for the MRI that turned my life upside down for a while.  I've always been grateful to him for not ignoring my symptoms and for being so proactive.  

Shrimp for dinner tonight with fresh veggies.


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