
By Teasel


I started my day off by sorting out a couple of birthday presents (which were rather overdue).  The challenge was remembering where I had put one of the components.  After turning a few things upside down, I eventually found what I was looking for.   I then headed off to visit a friend (with the gifts).  I was pretty much stuck behind a tractor the whole way there – it’s that time of the year.    We haven’t seen each other for over three, which is very unusual.  I’m not really sure why it has been so long, but we have both been busy.  She is dog sitting for another friend, so we took the dog for a walk.  It was a lovely morning and we ended up at a café.  We both had scones – I would say that mine looked much better than it actually was.  My other gripe, is that we got some kind of spread, not butter.  Very disappointing.  We took a slightly longer walk back to her house, and I stopped off there for a  wee while, so I could see her youngest when she got back from school.  She insisted on telling me about her Christmas list!
I then drove home, through some intermittent rain.  It wasn’t raining at home thankfully, so I took one load of washing in (it was dry), and hung another load out – it didn’t dry due to intermittent rain.  I just left it out.  I developed a headache and was feeling a wee bit grim after lunch but eventually dragged myself down town to get a bit of fresh air and to do a few errands.  Once home, I prepped tea.  I thought TT was going to be home later than he actually was – so he had to wait on his risotto.  It was very tasty, even if I say so myself – so worth  the wait.
We both watched a bit of TV later, and as usual I dozed off.
I spotted this damp ladybird on a sunflower bud in the garden.

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