
Today Belgium got a new king. King Philippe succeeds his father, Albert who had been king for nearly twenty years but abdicated earlier in the week due to old age and poor health. The ceremony took place during Belgium's National Day celebrations so the colours of the flag were on full display everywhere - on balloons, flags, banners, sunglasses and faces.

After a lovely brunch with neighbours we decided to head into town with the kids as we knew there would be loads of fun stuff happening and the kids wanted to wave their Belgian flags around. Actually Dexter broke his flag before we even left the shop earlier in the week, but he still insisted on taking it with us.

Brussels was uncomfortably hot today and very crowded but we found refuge in a lovely park which I'd never heard of before called Parc d'Egmont, and is where the above photo was taken. I had plans of taking photos of the kids with their flags but I preferred the naturalness (not sure if this is a proper word) of this one as the kids were having such a lovely time playing.

We didn't see the king but enjoyed the atmosphere and having a wander.

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