Hop On Hop Off

We decided to be tourists in the city that we live in today, mainly because we knew the kids would love riding in an open top double decker bus. We stopped off at the Atomium as it's always an enjoyable area with the kids and we did a fun photo shoot where the kids and hubby were trying to look as if they were holding the spheres and I managed to get some funny shots.

However I decided to try something new and although I'm disappointed with the photo above I wanted to blip it anyway as part of my photography learning curve. I tried to take a photo with the bus in motion and would have liked to get a much more blurred effect of the bus with the Atomium in the background but now realise that because I had good light I should have used a slower shutter speed. I only had one attempt because after I'd taken the photo I had to leg it to the bus stop as I needed to get on that bus!

When we got back to Brussels we decided to take the kids to the Museum of Cocoa and Chocolate which is a stone's throw from the Grand Place. We were welcomed with speculous biscuits which the lady dipped into chocolate for us and then we watched a really fun demonstration of a chocolatier showing how pralines are made in a traditional way. He let us know some tips of the trade and gave me some great ideas for desserts and a chocolate idea for Christmas. Our kids were ushered to the front to watch the demonstration as they were the youngest there and were the first to be given the samples of chocolates which they weren't shy about trying! We had a look around the museum after that which was small but nicely done and Olivia was quite fascinated by the cocoa beans from different countries and then they found some chocolate chips which were there for the tasting.

Brussels is a great place to live and be a tourist. Hubby is hoping to do some kind of beer tour soon and I spotted the waffle factory which will be added to the list!

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