
By tridral

Bob nos

Bob nos ~ Every night

“Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night”
― William Blake, (The Marriage of Heaven and Hell)

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Bob nos, wel, bron bob nos, dwi'n deffro am ddau o'r gloch. Yn ffodus rydw i'n gallu cwympo i gysgu heb lawer o ffwdan ac yn cysgu tan amser mwy rhesymol.

Felly, dyma lun o'n stryd yn gynnar yn y bore wedi'i dynnu o ffenestr fy ystafell wely.

Mae yna amlygiad dwbl gyda chylchdroi camera, i wneud y llun yn fwy diddorol.

Rydw i'n gobeithio cysgu trwy'r nos - un dydd.

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Every night, well, almost every night, I wake up at two o'clock. Fortunately I am able to fall asleep without much fuss and sleep until a more reasonable time.

So, here is a picture of our street in the early morning taken from my bedroom window.

It is a double exposure with camera rotation, to make the picture more interesting.

I hope to sleep through the night - one day.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Mae’r stryd yn y nos (amlygiad dwbl)
Description (English):  The street at night (double exposure)
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