
By TheOttawacker

Managing to fit in the odd nice day here and there

Another nice day. Moved the lemon tree from its summer residence to the back deck in preparation for its reinstatement in the winter palace.

 Some more translation this afternoon. Managed to pick up the photos from Sooters that I had had scanned (they had decided, most helpfully, to not reassemble the frames). Decided, finally, where we were taking Alex for his birthday outing. It is a movie and a dinner. Hopefully it goes down well.
In the evening, watched Save the Cinema as our Friday movie. It was surprisingly good. A bit derivative of Cinema Paradiso in parts, but well acted and well written nonetheless. It’s always hard to make films that are “based on a true story” believable… especially when people like Steven Spielberg are involved as a character. But they managed to do it, so kudos. With Ottawacker Jr. packed off to bed, Mrs. Ottawacker and I settled down to watch the final Inspector Morse film, The Remorseful Day, which contains some of Houseman’s best lines:
How clear, how lovely bright,
How beautiful to sight
    Those beams of morning play;
How heaven laughs out with glee
Where, like a bird set free,
Up from the eastern sea
    Soars the delightful day.
To-day I shall be strong,
No more shall yield to wrong,
    Shall squander life no more;
Days lost, I know not how,
I shall retrieve them now;
Now I shall keep the vow
    I never kept before.

Ensanguining the skies
How heavily it dies
    Into the west away;
Past touch and sight and sound
Not further to be found,
How hopeless under ground
    Falls the remorseful day.
Any poem that makes sense of a word like “ensanguining” is alright in my book.

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