This is the day

By wrencottage


A fairly productive day, getting started on designing Christmas cards. It’s not a natural ability of mine, I really have to work at it, and it takes me ages but I’ve made a start.

Unfortunately I was hampered by a rogue glitch on my desktop publishing program, which has started doing strange things in the typography department. At one point I could only typset in capital letters because it kept reverting to those even though I was in lower case mode, and then it kept changing font without my permission. So a lot of fire-fighting has been going on, and much re-booting of the DTP program (and my computer). Not the best timing, but it can’t be helped.

My photo was taken in church this morning. I had gone up to have a word with our youth and children’s worker and found her in the church chatting to the mums at at our baby group. While I waited for her to be free to talk I wandered over to this banner hanging on the north wall. It’s my favourite of all our church banners, I love the open hands at the top, the rainbow and the 3D effect of the grapes and the fish in the net. I’ve put a close up of those in extras.

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