Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Titus Salt's Hospital and Almshouses

Whilst I waited to go in for my recorder lesson this morning, I took this photo of the hospital and almshouses, built for use by millworkers at Titus Salt's Mill.  The 'historical documents' (echoes of Galaxy Quest!) record that  the almshouses were to be occupied by:  "single, married or widowed men (almsmen) or women (almswomen), rent and tax free. All repairs were carried out free of charge unless such repairs resulted from occupant negligence or vandalism.

Married couples received 10s per week, single persons 7s 6d. Occupants were chosen by virtue of  “good character, destitute of property or other means sufficient for his or her support and incapacitated for labour by reason of age, disease or infirmity so as to be unable to earn his or her own living”.  People who qualified for an almshouse received: "a long table, a snap table, 3 Windsor chairs, a rocking chair, bookcase and fender. In the bedroom a large iron bedstead, straw mattress, hair mattress, washstand, two chairs and fender. Blind and blind furniture were provided throughout. In addition each almshouse was supplied with “ a large bible” and “passages of scripture” adorned the walls."

There are some gruesome hospital records on the website, including reference to a young woman whose dress was caught by a passing train and who suffered serious injuries.  Most of the injuries and conditions pertained to workers at the Mill and I was particularly interested by an account of several deaths from 'Woolsorters Disease'.  The medical men (because they were men at this time) disagreed about the cause,   with one chap reaching the conclusion that there were no issues of dust inhalation in the wool sorting room and that this was a light, pleasant task.  His advice to the workers was for them to observe 'strict temperance'.  However, several autopsies revealed the presence of fibres in the lungs of these workers and supported the theory of inhalation.  Sir Titus Salt had the wool sorting room cleaned and ventilated after reports of workers being surrounded by clouds of dust.

On my way home I stopped off to fill up my hand soap container at Hedgehog Organics, then it was on the bus and home to a welcome cuppa.  This afternoon has seen me go through torture at my fitness session and it's Pilates this evening. 

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