Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Autumn Colours

Autumn is here. The temperature has dropped off, winter jackets are on and the trees are changing colour. I love the autumn and the spring. The colours are amazing but both seasons mark the promise of the seasons that follow. Now that autumn is definitely here to stay, there is only colder weather to come. I'm not sure how cold it will be but I am grateful that we have a roof over our heads. On Monday my parents were given the keys to a little house in a village on the edge of the Dutch province of South Holland. They'd hoped that they'd still be able to buy a house, but that seems to have fallen through. So Little Man and I will be moving this weekend. The man who owns the house is a friend and is willing to let us stay for very little. It's a relief.

Today is my one year sobriety birthday. I've been sober for a year now. In the beginning, it was just one day at a time, an hour, a moment at a time. Now it's a lot easier. I love telling people that I don't drink, often I end to just leave it at that. If they ask, I might tell them that I was an alcoholic, but I don't tend to tell them the reason I was alcoholic in the first place.

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