
By gennepher


Right, I had absolutely no sleep last night. Not one scrap, my body was stiff as a board., stress I presume. So I went out for breakfast.. and didn't come back home until mid-afternoon. Then I went to bed and went to sleep. I have no intention of fighting technology today. I am sick of it. It is one step forward two steps backwards. I need some respite  from this... In order to win the technology battle...

Don't worry about me, the tiger will wake up roaring tomorrow morning...

Sometimes I need to step back from technology and the world, and play with my plastic and silk flowers sticking them in among, all the trees in the garden, to cheer myself up. I was hoping to find some more while I was out this morning, but there wasn't any, in any of the shops. So Amazon calls me again...

But first I have to arrange some pinky purple wisteria on one of my trees....

And now I have found a use for my hanging baskets, which were to be part of my vegetable garden for next year until my worms got stolen, my huge wormery of thousands and thousands and thousands of tiger worms, and so I lost all my good rich fertilised soil for my new vegetable garden.

I am going to make fake flower (non-maintenance, that's the way these days), cheerful hanging baskets and hang them in the side passage outside the kitchen door, where my poor wormery once was... I seriously hope who stole them are looking after those worms properly. (This is not a joke comment, although I suspect some might snigger). There was a lot of time and effort in feeding those tiger worms to get the quantity, and their size they did have before they were stolen. 10 years work...

The security system I have put up since then works. I put a couple of extra trail cameras up... and alarms on every window. The alarms work well. Someone was knocking on my front window yesterday, which set off one of the alarms. I went to the front quickly, but whoever was knocking at the window had disappeared welcome here....this morning as I came back in, I touched my kitchen door handle and the alarms went off...  brilliant ...obviously, I reset them immediately.

There will be a bit more security surprises going up... the hanging baskets will prove useful to disguise that....

My gate is always kept locked, and if you come into that you might be in for some surprises. No, uninvited guests are welcome.

The Creative is a painting I did a long while is a daisy

Normal service will be resumed sometime....

Oh dearie me, I didn't read the weather forecast properly before I went out this morning....hurricane winds....
See the extra from bbc weather on hurricane winds today.
I think all systems have gone doolally....
I might as well give up trying to exist today...

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