A day in the life

By Shelling

Wired and weird

I went to see my local doctor some weeks ago because I wanted to check my heart, there are extra beats at times and I thought it better to have it looked at before it perhaps goes serious. Today I was at the hospital to get wired up for a 24 hour check and I'm carrying this whole package of wires and some recorder around. It feels a bit weird to be wired like this but I guess that's all part of ageing. I feel ok though and hopefully they won't find anything seriously wrong somewhere. 
If all goes well I might live for the rest of my life.

The cows were all lying down, seeking shelter from the wind, in the high grass. We're visited by an old tropical storm that works its way up the country and we have quite a lot of rain and wind but very little drama, the wind will wind down during the night.

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