A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Very cold this morning, some rain water that had accumulated in a bucket in the garden had solid ice on top when I went out to hang the washing out. Lovely blue skies though and I did get my bedding dry.

Headed down to Saltaire first to drop off some shoes and clothes at the Children’s Society shop and also a bag of books at their nearby book shop. 
Then down to Salt’s Mill to see this amazing piece of tiled art that has been restored and is hanging in the entrance. It was in the news this week that it had been recovered from behind a false wall in an office!
It is an 8 foot mural created in 1960 by a German artist and shows Bradford’s canal basin and cathedral around Forster Square over a century ago. 

Of course we had to pop into the Diner for a coffee and toasted T cake before Chris  dropped me off in the village at Tittle Tattle prior to our monthly book group.  I have missed the last two meetings but I have had and read the books. We normally start the new season with a classic and September’s book was George Elliot’s Silas Marner.  The majority of us had enjoyed the look back to a different era of English country life.

After lunch a quick trip into Bingley to stock up on items for Sunday’s Harvest Festival at church. All the items have to be non perishable and suitable for the local food bank.

It’s time to call it Friday and chill. Happy weekend everyone.

Extra - United Reform Church, Saltaire village looking great with blue skies and developing autumnal colours.

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