Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Pot of flowers

Went out to have a look at the aurora last night - some quite impressive red skies and other colourful streaks, but it began to cloud over before long. Even the cats came out to watch - they must have known something was going on!

Wet overnight and into this morning. I haven't been out beyond the garden today as my back is still sore, but we had a few spots of sunshine. My Blip today is of a chrysanthemum which I bought from Homebase - can't remember what it was called, but in days gone by I grew something similar at work called Charm chrysanthemums. Very impressive display of flowers. 

With night temperatures dropping I'm trying to get some tender plants undercover, even if only under cold glass. Every little helps!

Quote of the Day: 'Want to see aurora borealis? Head north, my friends.' - James Walsh & Peter Kimpton.

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