Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Curious Bird

This dove hopped into the hospital ward from the window, not once, not twice, but three times; we didn't find out for whom it had come particularly....  

We'd left home in Chania at 06 o'clock in the morning as to arrive in time at the hospital in Iraklion (we did at 08.30) where two of Sweetheart's wisdom teeth were to be extracted. That happened and went well; because he has some health issues, he was admitted for 24 hours to a hospital bed and some others were too ~ and look who came to visit them! 

It's custom in Greece, and I suppose all around the Mediterrannean, that relatives and/or friends stay in hospital to nurse their diseased, as there is shortage of nursing staff plus patients and their helpers often come from far away, like we did. 
In the ward they were admitted was a young man already as patient; he was operated upon after he'd had a traffic accident two days before, in Sitia, what's 130 kms East from Iraklion and at the least 2 hours drive away There's no hospital closer to his city of residence and where the accident happened, than one in Iraklion! Relatives took him to Iraklion Academic hospital. He's lucky that only his leg was injured and not his head!

This dove was a nice distraction from pains for the patients in the ward :-) 
And thank you all lots and lots for your lovely reactions upon the couple that I was to picture yesterday ~ portraits what were realised in a minute, and I do like it's with the backdrop of their car, from where they work for their living! 

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