A Daily Dose

By suejay50


We started off from Barnstaple at 2.15 am; got to Bristol in good time despite all the roadworks taking place over night. Checked in and waited. Plane was on time and we got to Glasgow safely.  The hire car proved a bit awkward as we'd asked for a manual but they tried to palm the driver off with an automatic. As she'd had a bad experience with one of those previously she declined.  
We'd had a message to say we'd be bumped off the Oban ferry even though we'd booked it months ago - a car rally taking place on the island was we suspect the reason....so a much longer trip to get to Mull via Corran and then Lochaline to Fishnish.....  But we did it and arrived safe and sound at the cottage. Beautiful cottage on Loch Scridain.  This view was from Pennyghael where we sat a while to relax as we weren't allowed 'in' until 5.00 pm.
A cuppa followed by a delicious meal and plenty of wine settled us down for the night.

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