
By gennepher


Nighttime wildlife videos
Badger investigating the swing 
I had mislaid my phone, and thought I had left it on the swing, and so, around 12 midnight, I went out with a torch. But the badger had already messed up the swing and I was convinced he had taken my phone to his den and was boasting to all the other badgers about his latest acquisition...
But when I got back in bed, I found my phone between the blankets.... This is Boy Badger, born 2023.
44 secs

I was up half the night trying to get this downloaded because the problems with Apple and the iPad mini etc etc

This morning even more problems with the iPad mini that crashed. I won't bore you with it all but Bluetooth now does not work at all, and as well as not being able to connect anything up to the Bluetooth like my external keyboard, the main thing is I am unable to connect up with the remote on the iPad mini that controls my cochclear implant and processor, and controls volume, base, treble etc and the most important is the  sensitivity control and the directional control of the processor.

I cannot use my cochlear sound/hearing processor without this remote control which is within  the iPad mini. So to use what I think is an incorrect term nowadays, I am deaf as a doorpost without this integral remote for my cochlear processor within the iPad mini.

And this iPad mini is one piece of useless junk. I should have abandoned it at the beginning of the week. And not tried so hard to get it going again. But there again if I had taken it for someone else to reinstall, I would have paid that money for nothing.  There was an Apple update on it last night to the latest software, and it is that which has messed it up further and wrecked it. Many of the internal things now within the iPad mini settings do not work since the update.

Yes the iPad mini is old and it is not supported anymore by Apple because of its age but this is absolutely ridiculous considering what it cost in the first place...

When I get something to replace it, I will help it along in its death throes...

Creative... My daughter at her end in Australia was having problems at her end connecting up with me this morning. Skype does not work on her new laptop. So we tried Zoom. But the captions were bang in the middle of the screen rolling up right over her face and I couldn't see her speaking... abandoned that... Then I'm trying to download Microsoft teams for us to try that....

Finally we are up and running. And Microsoft teams has a very sensible caption that is just at the bottom the screen, so one line then it went off, then one line and then it went off.

I hate with a passion the inordinate amount of time inefficient technology has taken this week in wasting my time... and is not supporting me...

So what does the above have to do with the Creative? I was doodling in my sketchbook while I was waiting for my daughter to sort out some stuff at her end.

So Creative is a doodle ..

I am going in the garden now for some fresh air, you enjoy your day...

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