
By gennepher

Coffee Painting

I am feeling a bit (a lot) of stress with this iPad mini business, and the apps,  and the security needed to get into things again, and it's one step forward, two steps backwards.

Yesterday, I realized I possibly still had some tiger worms. After all I put my wormery soil plus some of the tiger worms into my pots and containers and stuff, in my vegetable garden. Would the tiger worms still be there? In the containers, or would the tiger worms have legged it.

Nope, they had not legged it (maybe some had), there were still tiger worms in each of the containers I looked at. This was looking very hopeful as I ended up with a couple of hand fulls of tiger worms. Tiger worms appear to like each other's company and you get a whole pile of them hugging each other!!! Earthworms don't seem to behave quite like tiger worms do. I had to carefully pick out each tiger worm because there was some earth worms in there as well.  And that is my job today. 

Then I discovered my tree kale, and tree broccoli, which had been eaten to the bare trunk by the cabbage white caterpillars, was now sprouting some new leaves. The new leaves were very tasty...

Last night I got into bed, and I dozed off as you do. I woke up about the time of midnight in the panic... where's my mobile phone. Not on the bed, not on the bedside table, not on the floor. Had I left it on the swing?

Grabbed a torch, just went straight outside. Something jumped off the swing. I couldn't tell if it was a cat or beastie. Something had rearranged the covers and cushions on the swings, and pulled one of the shawls off, and had removed and taken away a cushion... No sign of my phone. I came in convinced that it was now adorning a badger's den... I searched again for everywhere, got back into bed, and felt something hard and rectangular  between the blankets. It was my phone I had fallen asleep holding it....

I will look at the trail camera SD card later ... 

I think I need a day away from stress... The sun is partially out now... painting, but on a shinier paper today, and my first attempt did not work... my second attempt was not quite what I wanted. Nothing wrong with the painting really, it's just me I need something of a different kind of creative which is more relaxing for me at the moment. But when I came to photograph it with the iPad mini, the photograph looked very bleached out. I took it in the same lighting conditions I normally do. Yesterday I noticed it was bleached out but not as much as today's, and yesterday I had to put it through Snapseed to darken it a bit to what it actually was. Today I tried to put it through Snapseed using the same technique but it didn't work because it was far too bleached out. I've tried a few more photos with the iPad mini but they're all looking very bleached out. I tried the setting on the photo screen to darken it a bit but it ended up a mess. Something is wrong with the photographic ability of the iPad mini. I have had this with a couple of other iPads or iPhones when there were nearing the end of their lives ...

So I had to take the Creative photograph with my pixel phone.

Googleing and iPad help gives a load of suggestions, but any more  computer work today, and I have a pile of naughty words for that...

So I'm going in my garden now, searching for tiger worms...

There's the resident pigeon sitting on the swing... and the resident robin is sitting on the end of the swing on the arm rest wanting some mealy worms...

In the night something has broken the birds fat balls container and tossed the fat balls on the ground two of them are missing, one was still on the ground this morning...

It is time I edited some more videos....

Have a good day...

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