Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid



I am on a mission at the moment to get a bunch of things done! The first thing today was to wake up early and get ready to leave the flat. I finally got the bill last week, from the team who repaired my old devices. They are insisting on charging me their minimum fee, which is kind, but crazy, so I wanted to take them samosas and Indian sweets to say "thank you". Being at Puranmal on a Saturday morning was a real eye-opener.

Anyway, goodies secured, G & I headed over to Deira to settle up. I don't know what happened between the time I got the bill and my visit, but Matthew, the man-in-charge refused to take any money. I'm so glad I brought them something in kind. I came away with my soundbar and subwoofer.

We then went to Rashidiya to meet a colleague of G's who has somewhere to send old school books. She then treated us to coffee and cake at a mall nearby, which is where my Blip is from. I made a bee-line for this jeweller's shop window for their pink display. :))

We came home via Festival City. I had intended to blitz the living room as it was starting to annoy me. The busyness of the last few weeks has meant little time has been spent clearing up, and as a colleague from my office said she would come over for a chat, it gave the perfect reason to tidy up.

She cancelled, but I still made a start while G did some research on posting on Instagram - part of the new role she has.

We ended the evening by watching the "One Child Nation" documentary on Prime. We both wish we hadn't - it was harrowing/sobering ... :(

As there is a significant amount of pink in my picture, could I ask you to click on this link to help with the BCAM effort? Thank you.

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