Capital adventures

By marchmont


Today socialisation was the bread and the being in the garden was the filling in my sandwich.

Before I went next door for coffee, politics and reminiscences I did a few jobs around the house, including some vacuuming and sorting a door handle. 

After fizz I came back to steam the pudding while I took down the clock and hacked back plants outside.  I was amazed how much the montana has grown into the bushes at the back.  Still no sign of whoever is living in that house  I also recuperated the first lot of compost from the Hot Box.  It seems very wet but I am sure is full of good things.

Then a shower, changed and off to get buses to Kora by Tom Kitchen (!) to met #3 and H for his birthday meal.  I only had 2 courses, salmon pate and melba toast and Sunday roast (so much food).  It was a very pleasant evening talking politics (they were at the 'Rest is Politics' yesterday and holidays and cars and life.  

The place wasn't busy and after setting my credit card on fire we were the last to leave.  2 buses home and in the house and bed by 10.30. 

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