A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Another cold but beautifully sunny day. Just right for my new crocheted jacket which is called ‘Spring Chill’.
From the name you can guess when I started this. After my success with the girls crocheted toys I decided I wanted to try something else and I liked the colours in this. I was also intrigued by the method of making it. 

In the extra you can see the underarm of the garment. This hexagon is where the pattern started, making two alike and then increasing until it was big enough to seam the two together at the back by judicious folding.

All the rest was added to the body. This meant that through the summer it was impossible to work on it without it being draped over my knee which generally it was too warm to do, yes even this summer!
I found adding the borders vertically amazing and best of all beyond the initial back seam there was no sewing up!

So here it is my ‘Autumn chill’ jacket. It’s light weight 4 ply but being wool it is very warm. I’m not sure yet whether I’m brave enough to wear it out by an extra layer indoors is ideal ar thus time of year. ( And it’s striped making it suitable for the BC challenge - Stripes)

Back to ATN singing  this morning and we started on Christmas, it was nice actually to sing something different after our summer repertoire  and the songs chosen today were lovely and not in your face Christmassy. Not ready for that yet!
One new song was Susan Boyle’s version of Little Drummer Boy which was delightful. 

Off to see a local am dram version of Sister Act tonight. Grace has done it some years ago but it will be a nice change for a Monday evening.

A good start to the week.

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