Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Furious grooming

A busy day today.  An engineer came to service the boiler, then I hacked out a large buddleia bush in the garden.  I was sad to have to do the latter, I only put it in last year.  The idea of having it was specifically to attract the butterflies - which it did do - but I then discovered buddleia roots can pull down walls.  And where had I planted it?  Right next to the beautiful flint wall at the end of my garden.  Oops!  I shall try to replace it with a couple of mini buddleias in tubs for next year.

And yes, there was one white butterfly with me throughout the digging.

I have to admit to aching muscles after that, but managed a shortish walk at the end of the morning, and that's where this dunnock comes in.  I watched it for ages.  It didn't seem the slightest bit disturbed by me or the camera, all it was interested in was tearing at its feathers.  That's why it's looking so puffed up here.  There's another shot in extras.

Okay, that's me for now.  Have a great rest-of-day/evening  xx

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