Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Another day

Rather a dull day today after such a bright one yesterday! The sun popped out this afternoon for about 5 minutes, but that was the highlight of the day!

Indoor stuff this morning - can't even remember what I did! After lunch I had an audiology appointment at the hospital, just one of those regular hearing aid checks. At least the lady didn't check it on the computer as a guy did a couple of years ago, and complained that I wasn't wearing it enough. 'Someone else could be using it if you're not bothered!' I had to promise to wear it more often though, and I do try to. Must try harder!

Popped into Tesco on the way back for a few things. My Blip today was taken across the car park to the hill in the middle of the town - out of sight over the top are the ruins of the Hydro, Oban Hills Hydropathic Sanatorium to give it its proper name!

Came home and sat down with a cuppa and watched an episode of 'The Chelsea Detective'. Makes a change to have a different location - Chelsea instead of Oxford!

Quote of the Day: 'Women are more verbal than men. That's why when you see an elderly couple together, it's always the man wearing the hearing aid.' - Jeff Stilson.

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