
By ZE1Christie

Mini Essykert Aboot Toon

A lovely morning, fairly calm, sunny and much warmer.  By lunchtime, it had clouded over with sunny spells, and gales picked up. Gales tonight.

Another early start, another day on da toon essykert.  Around Lerwick picking up paper and cardboard recycling waste in the morning, then business black bag bins in the afternoon.  A quiet evening at home, walkies with Sammy, feet up before bed. 

The big town essykert is still in the garage, so another day with the yellow mini.  A slower day loading, and it only holds a 3 tonne max, compared to 10 tonne on the big kerts.  Thankfully the south kert helped out again, doing the big housing estates in Sound.  It's a bouncy ride out on the country roads, better suited for the town roads.  Hopefully we'll have the big essykert back again tomorrow, get the rounds back on track.  Philip (Hunter) in the driver seat, and Craig (Duncan) loading, on Gilbertson Road, Lerwick.  

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