Living my dream

By Mima

A big green handful

We are having the sunniest of weather, but I am feeling irrationally irritated that the temperatures are four or five degrees lower than expected for mid-October. 

There are many trees and other plants in the garden which are distinctly behind other years. Mind you, given we are still getting frosts (-2C this morning) that is probably a good thing.

Sitting outdoors is only comfortable in spots sheltered from the southerly breeze, which occasionally gusts up into a proper wind. And anywhere out of the sun requires warm clothes. That irritates me too: I am itching to be in a t-shirt and shorts.

All of this mild grumpiness notwithstanding, I have had a busy day finally getting chook fertiliser into the beans bed, so that it is now ready for planting next month.

I planted out the sunflowers and silverbeet, and I sowed extra supplies of Muriel's Magic beans for a friend who has requested some to grow in their garden this year. 

And I also sowed a second lot of red and brown onions because the first sowing has germinated patchily in some poor compost. Some cabbages, the tomatoes and the peppers were sown in the same compost, and as soon as they germinated they just stopped. I rescued them very quickly; transplanted them into good compost and they are now growing nicely in pots under a cloche in the tunnel.

It appears that most, if not all, commercial organic seed and potting composts in NZ are useless. I have had conversations with several garden friends who have experienced exactly the same issues as me, over several years. Despite complaints to the compost producers nothing seems to have improved.

Incidentally I try to make as much of my own seed and potting compost as I can, but this year my bad back stopped that process before it started, so I resorted to what I thought would be a good alternative. I know better now...

Despite the cool weather, there are some things growing apace, including salad greens and herbs. So I have been able to indulge in one of my favourite side dishes for this evening's supper. There is a big green handful to accompany a large chunk of cheese and onion quiche. 

Bean's foot is still worrying her somewhat, and I can't decide if it is better at all today. I am probably watching too closely to see any improvement. 

It is very strange not having the daily punctuation of a walk. We are both missing it. And I won't walk without her. It is another reason I feel a tad out of sorts. 

I am going to sit in a sunny spot now to count the many reasons for feeling in sorts.

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