Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Sunlight on bracken

Today I finally feel much better, and I haven't coughed all day! I managed to do some gym this morning too and felt okay. It has taken ages to get over this virus, but hopefully it is now onwards and upwards. I took the dressing off my mole site today and it looks fine, and strangely is not at all painful.

I went to my group golf lesson this morning, I haven't done any golf for over 2 weeks now but I managed to get back into it. Today we were working on irons. 

After golf I took Xena for another walk, it was so sunny and hot - the car registered a temperature of 22.5C which is abnormally warm for this time of year. I got very warm on my walk and I wasn't even wearing a jacket. I planned to take some photos of fungi that I saw yesterday, but I forgot to change my lens from the wide angle to the macro lens, and although I did take some fungi photos with the wide angle I did not like them, so I am afraid it is another image of bracken. 

Tommy flew to Munich this morning, he has two nights there to try and find accommodation. Accommodation is Munich is very expensive and it goes within hours of being listed, but he has appointments booked to view some properties today and tomorrow, so I hope he finds something suitable. He is feeling excited to be going but also sad to be leaving home. He has been a delight to have at home, he was so easy to have in the house as he did all his own laundry and cooked his own meals - except at supper if I was cooking something in any case. We will certainly miss him.

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