Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The deer rut

Every autumn as the red deer enter their rutting season, Bushy Park is closed overnight until 8am for 6 weeks due to the annual deer cull. The point being you cannot get in there for sunrise to see the deer in good light conditions. On weekends it is open at sunrise as usual, but weekends are crazily busy with Park Runs and stupid tourists trying to feed the deer sugar lumps so I try to avoid going there then. However, this week the cull was finished and so the park was once again open from 6.30am. Today the forecast was for sunshine and mist, perfect conditions for an atmospheric sunrise...

Except there was no mist and the sunrise was a non event. I got there at 6.45am, sunrise was at 7.30am, but there was no colour in the sky. I sat in my car in the dark waiting for sunrise listening to an owl hooting nearby, and watching the bats flitting around in the trees. As soon as it got light I went off to photograph the rutting deer, who could be heard bellowing throughout the park. This fine chap was standing in the same position for ages, bellowing away and there were a handful of photographers near by taking photos, myself included. I left just after 8am as I had taken quite a few photos and needed to get back home.

I had breakfast and then later took Xena for a walk. It was another warm and sunny day, the type of weather we should have had in spring. 

Later in the afternoon I met a friend in Cobham for a coffee and a catchup. It was good to see her again and hear all her news.

Tommy has found a suitable apartment but there is a shortlist of about eight people all desperate to get the same apartment, so fingers crossed for him. He saw other suitable apartments today but they are second to the one he really likes.

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