How many Hydro trucks does it take to change... ?
How many Hydro trucks does it take to change a lightbulb?
This was the question I asked myself as I ran out to the grocery store in the morning to get emergency provisions. Ottawacker Jr. off school all day. Failed completely to get him into his doctor’s because his doctor’s surgery was closed for Thanksgiving. Would have been nice if they had had a note up or an automatic reply saying they were closed, but no. He’s holding his own, well, he was until bedtime when his coughing started – almost croup-like in its sounds Gave him some adult Benylin, which at least helped him to sleep through. Other than that, he was in reasonably good form.
My own day was pretty uneventful. Managed to not get very much done, but did manage to get some chores off my desk. Took a couple of pictures in for framing, for example. Everything takes time.
Main note of interest was signing Ottawacker Jr. up for winter soccer. Scrolled my way past the interminable waivers, and then found the price: $1180 for the winter. Plus, an extra $280 for goalkeeping. How in the name of God do they justify that? How many kids are being kept away from the sport in Canada because of these ludicrously inflated fees? And it is not necessarily the club that is to blame. The city charges fees, the local sports body charges fees, Dome rental is unbelievably expensive. But, still…
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