Well look what I found this morning down the track, feeding on the ivy! A handsome chap I knew straight away must be a hornet - it was so big! I even wondered if it was an Asian Hornet I'd have to report. To my relief, though, comparing it to this it clearly isn't. All the same, I wouldn't want to tangle with it.
After yesterday I don't seem to have got very far with things, though I feel fairly relaxed about that. I did go up to the plant nursery, but only for ideas, not actually to buy. Anyway, most of their shelving is full of confectionary and Chr.....s decs, which really isn't helpful. I also feel another expedition to the birds at Lymington coming on, probably on Monday, but we'll see. Maybe it depends how long my waterproof boots take to arrive (at Lymington there's no mud - on the reserve there's a lot).
Have a good evening, lovely people xx
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