
By tridral

Ysblander yr Hydref

Ysblander yr Hydref ~ Autumnal Splendour

“No two trees - no two leaves - are ever exactly alike. No plant - no flower - ever perfectly symmetrical. Repetition, yet with a slight difference. Variety, yet with conformity. This is how we expect it. This is how we love it. This is beauty”
― C.R. Milne

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Roedd Nor'dzin yn mynd i'r ceiropractydd heddiw. Cerddais i gyda hi oherwydd roeddwn i eisiau mynd i'r siop drwyddedig. Roeddwn i wedi anghofio am y siop drwyddedig. tan i mi dechau mynd i'r ceiropractydd, gerllaw. Mae'r siop yn ynysig heb siopau arall o'i gwmpas. Mae'n bell o fy siopau arferol... felly anghofiais i hi. Stori hir, fyr. Nawr mae'n ôl ar y rhestr am yr amseroedd prin bryd rydyn ni angen potel o win arbennig.

Ar y ffordd adre tynnais i ychydig o ffotograffau o goeden yn troi lliwiau'r Hydref. Mae'n ysblennydd.
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Nor'dzin was going to the chiropractor today. I walked with her because I wanted to go to the off-licence. I had forgotten about the off-licence. until I started going to the chiropractor, nearby. The shop is isolated with no other shops around it. It's far from my usual shops... so I forgot about it. Long story short. Now it's back on the list for those rare times when we need a special bottle of wine.

On the way home I took a few photographs of a tree turning the colours of Autumn. It is splendid.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Coeden yn troi lliwiau'r Hydref.
Description (English): A tree turning the colours of Autumn.
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