creative lenna

By creativelenna

A special painting

Painting by my Great Aunt, Edith Dimock Glackens. She was my grandfather's sister and the wife of the American Impressionist artist William Glackens. This painting hung in my home growing up. I always enjoyed Edith's charming and often humorous paintings. She and William were the parents of Lenna Glackens, also an artist and my namesake.

When I first arrived at my sister's home almost a week ago, she gave me a little tour so I could get my bearings. In one room, on a shelf because the wall was already filled with paintings, was this painting. I had not seen it for some time, but recognized it right away! Oh! I said, I remember that painting, I always loved it. Kathy promptly then said I could have it! She explained she has been able to enjoy it for a long time but she did not have a place to hang it so I should take it home. It is still difficult to express how much this means to me.

At home I have a small drawing of dancing frogs by Lenna Glackens, many books written by her brother Ira (about their father), a drawing by their father William and lastly, a portrait of Lenna (2011 blip entry) painted by him, my great uncle William Glackens. Bringing Edith's painting to join them now feels like the whole family will be together at my home. More about the Glackens family can be found on my website:

Tomorrow I return to my son's home in Boston and have another visit with him & his wife and our grandchildren. The Sarasota Airport has been repaired and I will fly home on Saturday. Thank you for all of your concern and comments during the hurricane event. Even though I couldn't respond to everyone I so appreciate your kindness.❤️

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