Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

The View

My parents have left this morning for Uganda. They left before 6 o'clock as they had to drive to Brussels, as they're flying with Brussels Airways. I then pottered about for a bit before getting Little Man up. Little Man had nursery this morning, so we biked to Oudewater. I then went to Woerden, by bus, to do some errands and then went back to collect Little Man.

We biked home and had a quiet afternoon before having poffertjes (mini pancakes) for dinner. We then got ready for bed. It's been a lovely day, thankfully we didn't have any rain, but it was a bit windy and there was slight edge to it.

This is the view from our front windows. It's very peaceful here, with except for the lorries and the tractors that come past regularly. The joys of living in a farming community. The roads aren't wide enough for them to pass, so there are a number of spaces to pull into. It can be scary when biking as there isn't often room for the lorries and tractors to pass bikes.

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