The Pensioner

By Pensioner


Another minky day! Two in a row as a.n.other grandparent helper was unavailable. So, my turn to take her to the oft mentioned gym-nippers class at Ainslie Park and see what all the fuss was about. And who was one of the helpers but G who used to work at soft-play along at Ocean Terminal. Yes, sort of step-daughter to C. I said, I’m a friend of C. She does a blank look very well.
Anyway after that the minky ate ALL her Morrison’s meal deal lunch. A chip off old Grandad’s block. 
Home and out again with her scooting all the way to the boatyard in the sunshine where I checked how good a power-washing job JA’s grandson had done. A kindness to give the lad some dosh. The trickle down theory of economics isn’t it? 
And then the SK took over - a lovely little terrarium to put together. What a kind birthday gift that was! The SK’s birthday I should make clear. Lucky gal.

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