Golden leaves and red berries
A different sort of day that didn’t start well. An early trip to a commercial shredder and the tip was thwarted by terrible traffic.
What is only a 5 mile drive to the shredder took 30 minutes. On the return journey I’d booked to call in at the tip. Hit an awful jam just 1 mile away. With the satnav saying half an hour and being stationary for 10 minutes I was able to duck out the jam and get home.
Matters improved greatly with lunch with eldest son. We walked to the pub and had an enjoyable lunch and chat.
One way home we called in at the Early Bird pub to see if they had a festive menu for an allotment lunch. They did, much to my relief as other pubs had been less than helpful.
We called at the home of the lunch organiser to give her the good news. We were invited in and over a cup of tea discovered that Sue and I had worked in the same secondary school in Gillingham, not at the same time. There were plenty of people we knew from those days. Her husband went to a school in Greenwich which I knew well when I worked there.
We were rather later than we expected getting home.
Anyone know what this tree is? Hawthorn, without the thorns?
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