Lost in Thought

By steveng

Standing with Giants (and WidWed results)

We met up with Chrispybox and Mrs CB at Stowe late this afternoon to see the Standing with Giants installation which commemorates the 1475 British military people who lost their lives on 6th June 1944 on, over, or near the beaches of Normandy.  There are also 50 silhouettes representing the French resistance and others representing Nurses who were killed tending to the wounded the following day.

After dark the whole set-up is lit from the side, with music, and becomes quite moving - see the extra.

Well worth seeing - it is at Stowe until 11th November.

Wide Wednesday Results:

This week’s Wide Wednesday theme was Transport or A Journey. 
As usual – there were some great photographs and interpretations.
Favourites to:
Trisharooni – a classic Railway Station blip
SueMiddleton – Kayaking on a misty Derwentwater (check the extra too!)
Freespiral – Multiple stopping points on a journey (several extras to see)
Carolina – bridges with reflections  (you all know I like an infrastructure blip!)
Heanku – a walk in the autumn colours

Honourable Mentions to:
Gasman – Rain on the station platform (sadly - no trains running)
MollyG – commuting on a murky day
Madowoi – commuting on a sunny day
Andrew44 – Amsterdam commuting
60plus – The Tyne Tunnel – portal to another world

Thanks to everyone who entered, as ever, I have very much enjoyed seeing your efforts and choosing the awards, and of course, its just my opinion!

Next Week the theme is: Shadows and your host is C1aire  Widwed231024
Thanks for putting up with me for the past few weeks.

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