
By rat

Silver leaf fungus

A few odd jobs this morning, including making some chick pea and chorizo soup, then son and the grandkids arrived (it's the last day of their half-term).
We set to work cutting down a Pernettya, - it'll be back - the remains of the plum tree and the top of a dead willow (see extra taken by gson). I suspected the plum tree might have had Silver leaf (though it never had silver leaves) and that was the problem, this on the remaining trunk upholds that idea. It is now cut down and will be burnt.
After lunch, which included the soup, the males went for a walk but the gdaughter refused so we went into the garden and finished tidying up. We then went round the garden and counted 55 different flowers and she went round with my compact camera taking pics. It's not the best for flowers but some came out well, one of which I've put in extras.
When they'd left I had a short walk and then watched some of the cycling.

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