
By rat

New view from the house

The powers-that-be (aka Dundee City Council) have decided to make most residential 20mph zones and they are now going round painting excessive amounts of 20s on the roads, there's another just round the corner to the right. They are also making some bits near the local primary school no-go areas at school opening and closing times.
It's been relatively warm and windy all days, but, if the forecast is right, that will seem tame as we're just on the edge of the red alert area which means extremely heavy rain is to come accompanied by very strong winds.
I got the towels washed, did some housework and went to the sewing class where I discovered why I had so much trouble with the trouser pockets - I'd misunderstood the instructions. However, it should work okay now.
Evening run with the group, we kept is quite short.

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