
By KathyH58

Virginia creeper

The Virginia creeper covers the side of a building in downtown Dartmouth and it is showy at this time of year.
The challenge this week in one of my FB groups is 'shoot from the hip', it is often used in street photography. Getting a couple of photos to use in the challenge gave me an excuse to go for a walk downtown this afternoon.
We finished the 3 day job today. I added a photo of the pathway as an extra. We also refreshed the gravel parking area. That is 4 gravel pathways and 2 parking areas that we did this year.
At least there was no construction happening across the street today. And people seemed to be in a better mood. One of the neighbors saw me first thing this morning and he came over to tell me that the place looks much better and that it looked like we knew what we were doing. He said that there had been a few people around from time to time that didn't seem to know what to do. One of the other neighbors also stopped to say how much better the place looks.
I had a phone call from my friend tonight. He is still in the hospital but expects to be out within 2 weeks. He might have to get his grandson or daughter to drive him to brunch when he gets out, but he plans to return as soon as he can. We are having out out of town brunch on Sunday, and Alan was looking forward to that. He plans to call me while we are at brunch and I will put it on speaker phone so everyone can say hello.

The other good news, I had a message from my friend who had a stroke  a few weeks ago. She expects to be released on Tuesday.

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