Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

We were quite upset when we went to bed last night because it was raining hard and Mrs HCB had told us we could go “conkering” this morning if it was sunny.  However, by 10 o’clock this morning, the sun was out so we pestered her - or rather, asked her very nicely if we could still go.

She said it would be very wet underfoot, but we said we didn’t mind, so she packed us all in the big bag and off we went.

When we got to the first tree - the one under which there are always loads of conkers, all we could see was deep puddles and despite wearing her flowery wellies, Mrs. HCB decided that it might be best not to go underneath this particular tree.  There was another one a little way off, so we decided that it might be best to take her advice.

When we got to the other tree, it was quite difficult to get right by the tree trunk because lots of little trees were growing up, so Mrs. HCB had to fight her way through - Mr. HCB wasn’t with us, as he was taking his contraption down in the garden because high winds are forecast for tonight, otherwise he would have helped.

Anyway, we eventually got in by the tree trunk, and fortunately, Mrs. HCB had brought a big waterproof blanket so some of us sat on that while the others collected conkers.  However, you can see that there weren’t that many and we were very disappointed, but at least we have all been out together - because as you know, some of us have been left at home whilst others have been out this week. 

I’m sure you don’t need us to tell you about clicking, but we will!  Please CLICK on this LINK, so that those in other countries who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram may have a free one.  Thank you very much and THANK YOU to all those who have been blipping since the beginning of October!

You all know by now too that we encourage you all to BE KIND, because you never know what someone is going through - and people have a way of covering up how they feel.  Thank you for that too - see how many people you can be kind to this week!  We know dear Admirer would be really pleased to see all the acts of kindness.

We hope you all have a great weekend - Mr. & Mrs. HCB are going to a party this evening - a friend of theirs is 60 years young and there will be celebrations, so we are hoping to find the stash of chocolate but shhhhhhh don’t tell Mrs. HCB!  We think that if we eat it all, we will be doing her a favour and being kind - and I’m sure you will all agree.

Love from All the Silly Saturday Gang xxx 

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