
By Veronica

Canal side view

It was an amazingly lovely day today, like a return to summer. Of course I was stuck indoors at choir practice all day, but we did carry tables and chairs outside for an al fresco lunch, very pleasant. We made good progress on several fronts today; there are tricky bits, but I'm certainly enjoying it more than last year's programme. 

Also, the choir has now joined the 21st century thanks to Jessica, one of our few 20-something members. She set up an Instagram account, and now she has also created a WhatsApp group for each section of the choir, as a central place to upload recordings for each part to practice with. She did some recordings of Florence playing/singing parts today. It certainly beats faffing with email or having to upload them to the website. Surprisingly when she asked for a show of hands for who didn't have WhatsApp, only a couple of hands went up.

From choir I headed directly to my book group, pausing to grab a blip on the way. As always we had a lovely time, discussing Exposure along with various other topics. It's always good to have a couple of people who are less keen on the book to provide a different perspective. I got back home at 8:30, twelve hours after leaving the house this morning. Phew.

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