
By tridral

Cynnydd ar ddiwrnod glawog

Cynnydd ar ddiwrnod glawog ~ Progress on a rainy day

“There’s this… thing… I call it ‘the temperature of time’. Y’see… my circumstances shift according to the people I’m with – but they also shift according to infinite other factors. [...] The weather, the time of day, the colour of the sky, the colour of people’s clothes – anything [...] It’s as if I’m continually being called into being—as a unique phenomenon—by an infinite progression of human events. It’s wild. Wherever I am—and whatever’s happening—is coloured by each previous event. [...] the temperature of time’s a moment of flux that results from imponderable variables – and it’s something that I feel… like the sensation of temperature. I call it the temperature of time – because time has no temperature… and… I need to call this thing something that crosses over. Y’know something that moves between the senses.”
― Doc Togden, (Chapter 6 – the temperature of time, an odd boy: volume three)

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Roedd diwrnod glawog heddiw. Glaw drwm trwy'r dydd.

Mae fy mhrosiect cwrlid plu (eiderdown) yn fwy fel 'rhywbeth y gwnes i helpu ag ef' oherwydd heddiw roedd Nor'dzin gwnaeth y gwnïo pwysig tra roeddwn i'n ceisio help symud y defnydd. Ryw i'n gallu gwnïo botymau ar y cwrlid plu rhywbryd, ond rydw i'n gallu ei defnyddio nawr. Hwre

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Today was a rainy day. Heavy rain all day.

My eiderdown quilt project is more like 'something I helped with' because today Nor'dzin did the important sewing while I tried to help move the material. I may sew buttons on the duvet sometime, but I can use it now. Hooray

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Olygfa ffenestr fy ystafell wely, gyda llawer o law. Amlygiad dwbl gyda hidlydd 'waterpixels' hefyd.
Description (English): The view from my bedroom window, with a lot of rain. Double exposure with 'waterpixels' filter too.

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