Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

The Stare

I'd checked the weather forecast last night and was hopeful of a sunny start and reasonable day.  I headed onto the Chase before breakfast but I could already tell that the forecast was wide of the mark with stubborn high cloud obliterating any chance of an interesting sunrise.

Instead I headed for Brocton Quarry, where the fallow deer are congregating during the rut.  The cacophony of roars echoed around the area, seeming to come from nearly every direction.  it wasn't a matter of finding the deer, more the decision in which direction to point the camera.  The only issue was that I was having to shoot at very high ISO because of the lack of reasonable light.  Despite the very high ISO, I still loved this shot, when the buck unwittingly came upon me, before realising I was standing in the copse.

I've also added some images of two bucks sizing each other up and then engaging, as well as one having a well earned rest and yet another using his sizeable antlers to scratch his back.

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