
By Brotographer


This time JB, Boycey and me decided to make an effort at waking up early, in fact I was the last one up... Tom said bye and JB and me made our way back to Leamington. Door to door, it took less than two hours. Gonna say this again, it's definitely good to be so close, not to mention have a place to stay every time I'm in London. It does feel a bit lonely without my sister though, I can't wait to see her this Christmas, it's gonna have been a long while!
So after getting back, I didn't get up to much. Edited the Sabb headshots finally. There's obviously a lot I would have done differently during the shoot, I'm no pro at studio photography. I think I did a good job editing them, almost a decade of Photoshop experience in handy thankfully, to make up for my lack of consistency with studio lighting. Now the photos are off to marketing for suitable color tweaking and so on, and then printing. Printing such large sizes makes me really nervous. Now I'm finally off my ass in terms of editing, I'm gonna get going on the pile of RAW files that's accumulated over the last couple months (even years), starting with BotB final probably and the Sabb team bodyshots.
The rest of the evening, a bit of chilling with Erin and Alex, for whom I am now officially a third wheel. Ali wants to know who it's worse to be third wheel for, haven't made up my mind yet though.

Anyways, this weekend was one of the best I've had this year. Thanks to everybody who was around for Friday, made the night legendary. Peace out everybody!

Photo: dark and eerie. Fitting in that I've been living mainly at night this weekend. Just the backyard though. Poor effort.

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