
By Brotographer

Grab a Bissell

Look at that, I made a pun in the title (his name is Ryan Bissell). To be fair, this one was really easy.

Back to work: a bit more serious this time around. So this one meeting got moved forward by a week, which means I now have exactly one day to prepare a short presentation on all my work. I think my supervisor was surprised by how happy this made me though. I've actually been keen for some tough deadlines, to get the motivation flowing.I know I'm doing some decent work, I'm just doing it really slowly and I know I could accomplish a lot more, a lot faster, if there was more pressure on me. Deadlines it seems, help me a lot.

Met up with Stana and Ryan who were doing some shopping in Leam, and arguing over Ryan's wardrobe. We headed to Duke's afterwards for the usual Monday burger, and to see whether Ryan was allowed back there. The photo is proof, Ryan is no longer barred from the Duke's. Celebrations were had! Stana's friends Radka and Mario joined us, and we later headed to Grand Union for a drink.
After that, there was lightning striking so I set up the kit at home to capture some lightning photos from the window. Unfortunately, by that time, there were too many clouds to capture any lightning bolts, and it was just flashes... Damn, the first time there's been a storm for the three years I've lived at Warwick, and no good. We watched In Bruges at home, still an awesome film with the darkest humor, I always find how funny it is kinda disturbing.


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