Capital adventures

By marchmont

Culture Day

After a terrible night's sleep (referred paIn from my piriformis after all that walking, no AC and a v noisy fan) I had breakfast downstairs and then took the bus to Trafalgar Square. 

First stop on culture Day was the Van Gogh exhibition at the National Gallery. I was glad I'd  gone fairly early when In saw the queue when I came out (even with timed entry) and a bit of me wished I'd gone earlier. It was very busy and the getting in was a bit chaotic and then I couldn't get there audio tour to work. Getting near the pictures was a challenge, there was even a contretemps between two women about photography. I wish they'd ban it. I did take a very few, Stevedores on the Rhone being the main one. 

Next was a walk up to the British Museum, with a stop for peppermint tea for the Silk Roads exhibition. Again, struggling to see the exhibits because of the numbers, not helped by the layout and the subdued lighting. The exhibits were low in cases and it was really hard to get close to see them and read the descriptions.  Seen a couple of them before, in the Asian Civilisations Museum in Singapore, the items from a shipwreck and some of them Galloway hoard seen in Aberdeen.. there was also remnants of an amphora from Rhynie. 

Then a walk up to the British Library, with a pitstop on Russell Square for the second part of Silk Roads, some very ancient books. Not many people there and a much smaller exhibition so less stressful. 

Another bus back - I'm impressed with my knowledge of London transport. A wander past the Spitalfields elephants and then a rest before going out for a curry. The restaurant was one of the many 'Best in Brick Lane' but it was very busy with Americans and I wasn't over impressed with the food. Should have gone to Rotiking ring in Artillery Lane. 

Last outing was a walk down to Wilton's Music Hall to see the NYT rep company b doing a modern take on 'War of the Worlds'. It was excellent with resonance to the present day. 

Walked back. Nearly 17k steps today. No rain and the weather was generally fine.

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