The Open Road

By Natwh1te

OCD... The sequel

Hopefully I managed to convey the essence of obsessive compulsive disorder in my last OCD blip. That feeling of something being 'not quite right' and the anxiety that is produced when all you want to do is make things 'feel' right again. This is certainly the feeling I get when I see that naughty green skittle out of his place in the line. I hope it managed to capture that feeling for others to understand what it might be like to experience. It is often a difficult phenomenon to explain to others.

For me, this picture entitled 'OCD... the sequel' represents not only a jar of yummy jumbled up M&Ms, but the feeling of disorder, chaos and uncontrollable mess that is often what I feel when my mind starts telling me that things are 'not quite right.' So hopefully that's given some food for thought about mental health...
Or if not then it was a good excuse to fill a huge jar up with M&Ms so that I can nibble on them as I go in and out of the living room.... (Eating them only in twos and in colour order of course...)

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