Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104


This morning I spent a few hours at the Butterfly House as we were unable to attend the workday last Sunday. It was just me and Alex, but we made good inroads into some of the tasks in the garden planting bulbs and clearing out the corner than we have been kidding ourselves was our compost heap. It is actually just a dumping ground for sticks and rotting fruit. If anybody had turned it in the past three years or added more green stuff and some water, it might have yielded more than a pile of dry sticks!!! 
Anyway, it’s gone now and we can move it to somewhere more appropriate, start again and try to manage it better this time….
We still have a few butterflies still enjoying the days sunshine and flying around so that was nice to see. 

On the way back to the car, I checked the railings where often you can find lots of ladybirds at this time of year and yup, there are lots of ladybirds there, so that can be my blip for today :) 

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