Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A late afternoon walk

The morning started foggy but it soon cleared up and became sunny. Too soon actually, as I was hoping to get out and take some foggy photos but that didn't happen. 

Today was more of the same - chores - a walk with Xena - golf - another walk. Golf was fun today and we stayed for coffee in the cafe afterwards. Then in the afternoon I had another walk with Xena, the light was lovely and the golden colour in the leaves is now starting to show.

Last night I was checking what was on the TV planner when my attention was caught by a program on BBC called Sort Your Life Out which many of you may have seen. Most people know I generally don't watch any reality TV shows - other than GBBO - as I just prefer dramas. But I got sucked into watching this program (it was a repeat) and my mouth was agape in horror at what a cluttered mess some people live in. It was an extreme mess, you could not even open the front door there was so much clutter and rubbish piled up against it. When the team came in and helped them sort their home, getting rid of 70% of their stuff and then did the big reveal showing how lovely their once abominable mess of a house now looked, it was so emotional! 

Thinking of Marian today who has sadly lost her beautiful Misty.

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