Pictorial blethers

By blethers


I tend to regard Wednesdays as days off - and yet I know how daft that sounds, coming from someone who's been retired the best part of 20 years. But after choir practice and without a class or a shopping expedition in the morning, let alone church or a ferry to catch, I allow myself to ... drift. Well, that's what happened this morning - a leisurely start, all the towels in the washing-machine (it was a grand drying day - no sun, but they blew about in a brisk wind and there was no rain), a slow breakfast, time to do the morning Italian session, coffee. It all felt strangely aimless, despite the washing, and I had a headache (related, I think, to whatever's going on with that eye). I did, however, publish on Facebook a poem I wrote on Sunday and had left to sit for a bit.

However, after coffee there was work to do, as we're singing at a Solemn Evensong on Cumbrae on Saturday and the music arrived yesterday. Some of it I know; the anthem, however, is new to me and resurrected my fear of fourths and fifths (singers may snigger if I confess to writing notes like "s-d" or "d-s" on my part, in a desperate but basic dragging in of the sol-fa I never grasped as well as my mother did.) I was relieved when the clock struck one and I was able to drag us to eat lunch...

Later, partly because it helps the headache to go out, I roused Himself and we went out to the Pucks Glen carpark and walked the mile along the old road as far as Benmore Gardens and back. Because it's sheltered from the current winds from the south, there were still plenty of glorious leaves, and it was rather lovely. Today's photo was taken from the road looking across the fields to the houses on the road that leads to the A815 and the hills above Loch Eck  behind them - I love the greenness of the field and the autumn leaves beyond. 

Tomorrow will be busier again. But maybe I'll get another look at that music ...

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